Virtual Training Workshops

Autism Is…? Workshops

The Autism Is…? Workshops are based on and around each of the Autism Is…? children’s books and cover the basics of autism, safety considerations, behavior management, school rules, social skills, and friendships.

Autism Is…?

After the Diagnosis: The Basics

This 2-hour workshop offers parents, caregivers, and educators of children on the autism spectrum general information on autism spectrum disorder (ASD), support, and basic resources and strategies to help/teach autistic children.

You will learn…

  • To understand autism and how it affects your child or student.
  • To understand the adjustment process to an autism diagnosis.
  • How to help your child or student.
  • Basic strategies and how to use simple resources to help your child or student.

Danger Is…?

Staying Two Steps Ahead: Safety Considerations for Caregivers

This 2-hour workshop covers general safety considerations for parents, family members, and caregivers of children with autism.

You will learn…

  • To understand how autism can impact the safety of an individual with autism.
  • How to be proactive in keeping children with ASD safe.
  • To understand how autism can impact the safety of a caregiver of a person with autism.
  • About other resources related to community safety for people with ASD.

Feelings Are…?

Behavior Is Communication

This 2-hour workshop covers behaviors that autistic children frequently exhibit, and offers suggestions to parents, caregivers, and educators on how to prevent, manage, and/or follow up on different behaviors. It also promotes understanding and compassion for children on the spectrum who often have difficulty expressing their feelings.

You will learn…

  • To find and understand the reasons for frequently exhibited behaviors.
  • How to prevent, manage, and/or follow up on behaviors.
  • How to teach children to express and manage their feelings.
  • About the ZONES of regulation.

School Rules Are…?

Getting Ready for Inclusion

This 2-hour workshop covers how parents, caregivers, and educators can prepare themselves and their autistic children for the first or next school year, and how to help children on the spectrum succeed while at school.

You will learn…

  • How to communicate a child’s needs to the school staff.
  • How to prepare an autistic child for school.
  • How to prepare and use visual supports in both the home and school setting.
  • How to prepare the inclusion or special day classroom.

Manners Are…?

Open the Door for Social Skills

This 2-hour workshop takes a look at pragmatic communication deficits and covers several strategies to help autistic children develop appropriate social skills that contribute to their success in society.

You will learn…

  • To understand why it is hard for some children to learn social skills.
  • To recognize the characteristics of pragmatic communication deficits.
  • What social skills to teach.
  • About scripting: role-playing for social success.
  • About positive reinforcement.

Friends Are…?

Building Relationships: What Are Fantastic Friends?

This 2-hour workshop will share strategies to help your autistic child/student foster friendships. Learning how to foster appropriate friendships can avoid problems as children on the spectrum grow older, can prevent bullying, and lead to better relationships with peers with or without autism.

You will learn…

  • To understand why it is hard for autistic children to make friends.
  • How to handle bullying.
  • How to teach an autistic child to be a friend.
  • How to recognize problems and find positive solutions.
  • The importance of quality, not quantity, in friendships.

Autism on a Budget Workshops

The Autism on a Budget Workshops cover topics such as the importance of Early Intervention, answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and Toilet Training.


Early Intervention Made Easier

This 2-hour workshop provides general information on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and early intervention strategies that can help improve the prognosis of an autism diagnosis.

You will learn…

  • The definition of autism and how it affects an autistic child or student.
  • About the importance of early intervention.
  • Best-practice and evidence-based early intervention strategies.


Answers to Frequently Asked Autism Questions

This 2-hour workshop provides general information on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and answers to frequently asked questions about autism.

You will learn…

  • The definition of autism and how it affects an autistic child or student.
  • Answers to frequent questions posed by teachers of children on the autism spectrum on a variety of topics, including classroom management, challenging behavior, and more…


Autism and Toilet Training

This 2-hour workshop provides general information on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and techniques for toilet training autistic children.

You will learn…

  • The definition of autism and how it affects a child or student.
  • Why it is typically more difficult and often takes longer to toilet train an autistic child.
  • Signs and steps for toilet training an autistic child.
  • Favorite toilet training strategies.
  • What to do when there are problems.

Each 2-hour workshop is available via Zoom to provide training and support for individuals and groups regardless of location. For more information and pricing, and to book a workshop, please contact Ymkje Wideman at

The handouts for all workshops are available in Spanish also.

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